Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Six Ways to Keep Your Web Pages Simple and Increase Sales

Simplicity is probably the most important underlying factor when it comes to the performance of any Web page... whether your homepage, an interior page, a sales page, or a landing page.
Here are six ways to keep your pages simple and increase conversions.

1. Stick to one topic per page
This may not be possible always. But if you can stick to just a single topic, product, or service per page, then you simplify the experience for your visitors.
They don't have to choose—they don't have to decide where to focus their attention. All they have to do is read. From top to bottom.

2. Minimize the number of columns
Multi-column pages complicate the experience for your readers. Different areas of the page are competing for their attention. Again, they have to make choices, they have decide which column to look at first.
Or worse still, they may be reading your center information or sales column and then stop reading because they are distracted by something in another column.
If you can build your page with one column only, that is optimal and almost always has a significant impact on conversion rates.

3. Keep your message simple
As you write, try to stay focused on a single, simple message. Too many times copywriters bring in all kinds of "related" information into their sales copy.
If it is tightly related, that's fine. But when it is not directly relevant to the one topic and one purpose of your page, it can be distracting.
Keep your writing focused, linear, and progressive.

4. Don't use too many graphics
One or two graphics can help support your sales message. Some products or service can benefit from the use of a couple of well-placed graphics, but others don't need them at all.
Whatever you do, don't add too many images and graphics to the page. Again, they can fragment the reader's eye path. They distract attention from the sales message. And often for no good purpose.

5. Keep your offer simple
If you are writing a sales page, whether you are selling a subscription or a product, it is tempting to offer a number of purchase options. "If they don't want an annual subscription, maybe they'll go for a monthly subscription." Or, "If they don't want this product, maybe they'll want this one."
However, repeated testing has shown that providing multiple choices reduces conversion rates. Too many choices result in uncertainty and inaction.
Do some testing to determine the most profitable offer... and stick with that one.

6. Make your subscription or sales forms simple
The longer the form, the lower the conversion rate. It's as simple as that. So ask only for the information that is essential to complete the desired action. If you would like to collect additional information from your subscriber or purchaser, ask on the confirmation page, or with a follow-up email.

Final thoughts...
Someone within your company or development group will always come up with good reasons for adding elements to a page—whether words or graphics—that are not central to the topic or message.
Resist them if you can.
Simplicity in every aspect of your site, on every page, will increase your conversions and revenues.

Source: http://www.marketingprofs.com/6/usborne30.asp

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