Wednesday, June 06, 2007

A Logo Design Worth of Rs. 89,600,000/-

This is the logo for the 2012 olympic games, to be held in London. Organizers did a huge launching campaign for this logo, last week and it is said that the design cost for the logo was $800,000 !! (Aprox SLR 89,600,000)

This move by the organizers of the event lead to heavy criticism by many parties. Veteran Marketing writer, Seth Godin is one amongst the critics.

Seth says in his blog...

"About thirty years ago, three companies dreamed up logos that have become so powerful, I don't even have to show you the images to get them to pop up in your head. A sneaker company paid a few hundred dollars for an abstract, upside down wave, a coffee company picked a half-naked mermaid (is there any other kind) that cost them nothing, and a computer company picked [hired a PR firm that picked] a piece of fruit with a bite out of it.

What the images had in common: nothing. They range from abstract to woodcut to groovy. The art of picking a logo, even one for the Olympics, has almost nothing to do with taste or back story. A great logo doesn't mean anything until the brand makes it worth something.
That's why spending $800,000 for a logo is ridiculous."

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Actually, it's just a jaggy picture