And now, look what I have when arriving back at work on Wednesday. The entire industry has leaped forward, leaving me a one week lagging in the trend. Every one around me talk in an alien language to me. FaceBook Beacon, Google Open Social, Social ads, Sprite Sips, are some of the words frequently used by the people around me.
I felt like "missed out in action a lot". Hey, it was only a one week before that I too used to be in the latest industry trend! How come in a one week the whole thing changes so fast? A week before, we were talking about Facebook applications, Flyers, groups, sponsored groups and things like that. But, coming back to work after one week, all those stuff are obsolete.
This opened my eyes to an "undeniable truth" about the field of online marketing and e-commerce. If you miss the tempo even for a one day, you are out of business!
Luckily for me, the rest of my office colleagues were so helpful. I quickly got on to the train again, and here I am! Moving forward...
My first challenge was to understanding the new Facebook advertising solution, launched on 6th November. I've got most of it now, and just written to them to seek chances of advertising our company, with them. Next, I'm suppose to get updated about the "open social Vs Facebook API" debate. Now what the hell is going on there?