Saturday, June 17, 2006

Jamagrians Show their Colours

Founder memeber Prasad Edirisuriya - Senior Executive (Research), Phoenix Advertising - wins silver medal on Ingrins Graphic Awards.

Warm wishes from all Jamagrians

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Jamagra - Successfully Launched

"Jamagra - Japura Marketing Graduates", the organizations formed by the graduates of the Department of Marketing Management of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, was successfully launched on the 19th May 2006. This marketing symposium was convened by Mr.Maxwell Ranasinghe, visiting lecture of the Department of Marketing Management.

The symposium started with the explanation to the purpose of Jamagra by Mr.Maxwell Ranasinghe followed by a brief by Mr.Anushka Gunasoma who did an excellent job in designing the Logo and Brand name. Mr.Saranga Wijeyaratne who is co-founder of Jamagra addressed the gathering explaining the background story of creating this organization.

Why Jamagra..??
Jamagra was formed with the main objective of strengthening the brand name of the Marketing graduates of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, and will be driven by the long term mission of developing a novel way to continue education for the members of the forum. Jamagra aims to form an elite group of USJP Marketing Graduates who will continuously share their experiences and help each other in developing their careers.

Who can join, and how..??
Any Japura Marketing Graduate who is currently holding a key position in his or her company/organization can join the forum upon making a presentation on a challenging marketing assignment he or she undertook or on any other project that is worthy of sharing among the participants. An abstract of the presentation should be submitted in advance to convener or the leader of Jamagra.

The first symposium of Jamagra held on the 19th June was a great success with great insights, presentations and ideas of the participants. The 5 presentations done by the members, created the feeling of pride among all participants of belonging to group of young professionals which will definitely be the most sought after group of marketers in the country in the near future. The 5 presentations were

Redefine your Marketing Mix with eCommerce & eMarketing.- Mr.Suranga Priyashantha eMarketing Manager-RoomsNet International, added great insights with his practical experience to explain "Why and How Internet can be used to make your marketing efforts successful"

How to win a niche market with a limited promotional budget. - Ms.Manojee Dabare, Brand Manager,Unilever presented her experience in how she succeeded with Dove.

How 18 plus savings account became a hit in the banking industry and challenges faced at Bank of Ceylon.- Presented by Mr.Prasad Edirisuriya, former Brand Manager of Bank of Ceylon who is currently serving as the Senior Executive- research at Phoenix Advertising.

How Neth FM was launched & its success - Mr.Nisha Karunaratha, Assistant General Manager (Marketing) shared his invaluable experience from the point of making the decision to invest on a Radio channel to its current position as the most challenging radio channel among its competitors.

No boundaries for Innovations - Mr.Saranga Wijeyaratne, Senior Manager, Advertising Wijeya Newspapers revealed How "Hit Ad" and "Lahi Pita" were launched and the tremendous success achieved through a complete innovation in the Classified Ads in newspapers.

All presenters were awarded a valuable certificate while all participants received a Jamagra memento. All Jamagrians finally agreed to hold this forum at least once a month and limit the number of presentations to a maximum of 3 with a duration of 15 minutes each. It was a unanimous decision of the participants to limit the membership of Jamagra only to real performers who has been indispensable to their companies and who can share that knowledge and experience and develop as a strong team.

All Jamagrians placed their signature on a valuable Marketing text book which was supposed to be presented to the University Library as a commemorative gift on the formation of Jamagra. A group email account was also created, Jamagra AT to make the communication easy and effective among the members.

At the end, particiapants had a fellowship over a couple beers and delicious dinner.

First ever Jamagra symposium came to an end with many good inspirational ideas for future progress and with more hopes for celebrations in the next forum.

The next jamagra forum is scheduled for 30th June 2006.